Masthuggskajen – Overall
The Masthuggskajen urban development project
In the heart of Gothenburg, we are working together with the City of Gothenburg and a number of other actors on the development of a new inner-city district, Masthuggskajen. It encompasses an area stretching from Järntorget to Stigbergsliden and from Första Långgatan down to the quayside north of Järntorget. It will be packed with new meeting-places and a vibrant street scene, new housing and offices. Its unique waterfront location will come into its own with the construction of a riverside promenade.
The district Masthuggskajen has, as the first urban development project ever, been awarded a Citylab certification for sustainable urban development in November 2018. Masthuggskajen is now certified according to Stage 1 Planning. (link to read more about Citylab). The certification system developed by Sweden Green Building Council is the first for sustainable urban development that is fully adapted to Swedish conditions.
As part of the Masthuggskajen development project, Elof Hansson Fastigheter and Alecta, has taken the initiative to create about 300 new apartments along Första Långgatan, and to help boost the region’s growth and appeal by creating Global Business Gate – a cluster for operations in the field of international commerce.
The aim of Global Business Gate is to create a platform for interaction and exchange which will contribute to increased growth and higher employment by promoting long-term competitiveness for Gothenburg as an international commercial hub.
“We’re following the development of Masthuggskajen with considerable interest. With its central location right on the water and its excellent public transport links, the Oskarsleden dual carriageway and later on one of the Västlänken project’s train stations, this is an area with immense unexploited potential,” says Lennart Hedström, President of Elof Hansson Fastigheter.
Vision Älvstaden
Masthuggskajen is being developed by the City of Gothenburg and a consortium consisting of Elof Hansson Fastigheter, Fastighets AB Balder, NCC, Riksbyggen, Stena Fastigheter and Älvstranden Utveckling. The district is also part of the Gothenburg region’s growth strategy, whose aim is to develop the city’s central areas.
Masthuggskajen is being planned in accordance with the intentions in Vision Älvstaden, to create a vibrant, inclusive city whose focus is on openness, cooperation and knowhow development. Here old and new will meet, there will be space for enjoyment and new initiatives, and the city’s rich industrial heritage will be properly preserved.
Elof Hansson Fastigheter’s involvement and plans for Masthuggskajen will help realise this vision.
Project status
In November 2014 four teams of architects submitted their final ideas for Masthuggskajen including Global Business Gate. These proposals were then transformed into a zoning plan which was submitted for consultation in summer 2015. The City Planning Board has adopted the zoning plan and 7 June 2018 the plan was approved and adopted by the City Council. In March 2019 the zoning plan gained legal force.
Planned start of construction 2019, first tenants moving in 2021.
News, calendar, timetable and more for the Masthuggskajen project
News, calendar, timetable and newsletter for the Masthuggskajen project can be found at You can also subscribe to the project’s newsletter here.
Masthuggskajen is part of Älvstaden – the Nordic region’s biggest urban development project.